Life is short

I have read that around 7% of Peace Corps volunteers are 50 years of age or older. My wife and I will fit in that category when/if (knocking on wood) we get into the Peace Corps. Fortunately, Tish and I are very fit and healthy for our age, and do not anticipate any problems.

Today Tish, her mother-in-law, and I drove to Moultrie, Ga to visit a sick relative. Tish’s uncle, Bill, age 85, is just about on death’s door. His elderly wife who has been married to Bill for 64 years was distraught of course.

Seeing someone at the end of their life like that really makes you think. Of course we all will die someday and everyone knows it, but I am a lot closer to the end than the beginning, so it is more real to me than it used to be. I am relieved to realize that my wife and I have not been wasting our lives but have been living a full and exciting life since we got married.

The thought that came to mind when I observed Bill’s condition was that I am SO VERY GLAD that we are going into the Peace Corps, because we may not be able to do it a few years down the road. Life is short…make it count…

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